Slanging Fear: The Profitable Business of Evening News

Akhil Mallepally
3 min readOct 11, 2023


In today’s hyper-digital age, an ancient truism still applies: “If it bleeds, it leads.” The evening news, regardless of the medium, is in the business of capturing eyeballs, and it seems there’s no better way to accomplish that than by serving up a steady diet of fear.

The Evolution of News and Fear
Historically, news served as a medium to inform the public, educating them on events happening in the world, in a balanced and straightforward manner. Over time, with the proliferation of channels and the competition for viewership and advertising revenue, news broadcasters have resorted to increasingly sensational tactics to retain viewers. This has led to an emphasis on stories that elicit emotional reactions, with fear being the most potent.

The Science of Fear and Our Brains
Why does fear sell? It’s hardwired into our biology. Humans have an innate “fight or flight” response, a basic survival mechanism that activates when we perceive a potential threat. From an evolutionary perspective, this kept our ancestors alive. When our brain perceives danger, it releases adrenaline, sharpening our focus and making us more alert. Modern news outlets tap into this mechanism by presenting information in a way that sounds urgent and threatening, ensuring that viewers stay glued to their screens.

The Business Model of Fear
The more viewers a news program has, the higher it can charge for advertising. In a fragmented media landscape, with numerous sources vying for attention, the pressure is on to stand out. Fear is an easy and effective way to accomplish this.

But there’s another, subtler business model at work here: the cycle of fear and reassurance. A news outlet introduces a scary concept, followed shortly by a solution or a comforting perspective, ensuring that viewers not only tune in for the initial scare but stay tuned for the resolution. This rhythm creates a dependency, prompting viewers to return, time and time again, to the same sources that instill the fear in the first place.

The Real-World Impact
While this model may be profitable for news organizations, it has broader societal implications. A constant barrage of fearful messages can lead to a more anxious and paranoid society. It can skew our perception of the world, making us believe it’s far more dangerous than it truly is.

Moreover, an emphasis on fear-based stories often means that other important, yet less sensational, news items get less attention. Thus, viewers might be less informed about critical global issues that don’t fit the fear-based narrative.

Finding a Balance
It’s essential to be aware of the mechanisms at play when consuming news. While it’s crucial to be informed about potential dangers, it’s equally vital to have a balanced understanding of the world.

For news outlets, the challenge is finding a balance between responsible journalism and the demands of a competitive media landscape. By understanding the role fear plays in driving viewership, both consumers and producers of news can work toward a more informed and less fear-driven society.



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